§ 112.03. Definitions.  

Latest version.
  • The provisions of the City of Hitchcock Video Gaming Devices Ordinance relating to the definitions of words, terms, and phrases are hereby incorporated by reference and made a part hereof, and shall apply and govern the interpretation of these regulations, except as otherwise specifically declared or as is clearly apparent from the context of the regulations herein. The following words, terms, and phrases shall have the ascribed meaning indicated below.

    Agent. Any designated agent of the City of Hitchcock.

    Applicant. The person who has completed and application to the city for a license or permit to participate in the video gaming industry in City of Hitchcock.

    Application. The process by which a person requests license or permit, or the renewal of a license or permit, for the participation in the video gaming industry in the City of Hitchcock.

    Designated Representative. An employee designated by the licensee to oversee and assume responsibility for the operation of the licensed establishment.

    Device. A video gaming device which complies with the rules of the city and the Ordinance.

    Facility. The premises of a business which is licensed to house or offer for play video gaming devices within this city.

    Inspection. The observation or examination by any agent of the city of any premises of the licensee or applicant where video gaming devices stored, possessed, or offered for play, or connected to video gaming in any way.

    Licensee. Any applicant or person who is granted a license by the city permitting video gaming activities that are authorized by the Ordinance. The authorized activity of all licensees shall be limited to the type of license issued to each.

    Minors. Every natural person under the age of 18 years.

    Mixed Patronage. A clientele which includes both minors and adults.

    Offense. Any violation of the Ordinance or these rules or any other criminal conduct.

    Permittee. For purposes of these rules, shall have the same meaning as "video gaming employee" as provided in § 112.05(B).

    Premises. Land, together with all buildings, improvements, equipment, and personal property located thereon which is controlled by an applicant or a licensee, and associated with video gaming activities authorized by the Ordinance.

    Resident. Any natural person who is domiciled in the state or who demonstrates that he/she maintains a permanent place of abode within the state, and who has resided and/or been domiciled in the state of Texas for a period of two years prior to the date of his application for a license.

    Security Interest Holder. Any person who loans money for the purpose of financing devices, and uses the devices as collateral. This shall also include a lesser of devices.

    Ticket Voucher. A ticket which is printed by a video gaming device by use of a payer-activated switch providing the player with a printed record of credits owed.

    Validation Decal. The decal furnished by the city and placed on a device indicating that the device meets the criteria established by the city, and that the particular device has been enrolled by the city.

    Video Gaming Devices. For purposes of these rules, shall have the same meaning as video draw poker devices.

    Written Reprimand. A written notification from the city to a licensee which outlines any violation of these rules.

(Ord. No. 2010-908A, 8-9-10)