§ 91.31. Permit for storage of flammable liquids.  

Latest version.
  • (A)

    Required. It shall be unlawful for any person to keep or store, for sale, any fuel oil, kerosene, gasoline or other flammable liquid within the city, without a current permit there for from the fire marshal. Any person convicted of violating this section shall be punished pursuant to § 10.99 of this code.


    Inspection and determination as to safety prerequisite to issuance. No permit required by this article shall be issued without the Fire Marshal having first determined, after inspection, that the premises where the flammable liquids are located do not constitute an undue risk or hazard of fire.


    Fee. No permit shall issue hereunder without the applicant or recipient thereof having paid a permit fee of $25.00. Provided, however, where pumps or devices used or designed to transfer gasoline and flammable liquids from underground storage are used, the permit fee shall be $25.00 per dispensing nozzle.


    Transfer. A permit issued under this article shall not transferable, except with the consent of the City Commission.


    Expiration. A permit issued under this article shall expire on December 31 of the year issued.


    Revocation. A permit issued under this article may be revoked by the Fire Marshal after a determination by him that the requirements for obtaining the permit have not been maintained or that an unreasonable hazard from fire or other casualty has been created by the storage of flammable liquids.

(Ord. No. 2006-872, 7-24-06)